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What we Offer to you
We bring to you an expert care in treating skin related diseases. Specialised treatment is available for Acne / Pimples , Leucoderma and Wart Removal, Sun spots and other Pigmented Lesions, Skin Care, Anti Aging Treatments - Electrocaurtry - Hair Loss Treatment , Eczema - Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis Treatment
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Pregnancy and childbirth are among the most cherished moments in a woman's life as they give her the joy of being a creator and life-giver. Focus is on refined maternal care with state-of-the-art Labor Room attached with Intensive Care Unit. Expert Obstetricians and Neonatologists look after the needs round the clock. Post natal care desirable contraception advice is available.
Paediatrics & Neonatology
Renowned Level III - 6 bedded NICU unit render dedicated services to Newborns. Neonates below a birth weight of 1500gms requiring supportive ventilation have been successfully managed and treated with expertise of highly experienced and qualified team of consultant doctors, skilled nurses and support staff on 24/7.
Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement
Provide a wide range of treatment andcorrective procedures to help individualsregain their physical strength. Departmentoffers state-of-the-art treatment for JointReplacement Surgeries, Trauma care,Arthroscopic Surgeries including sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Deformitycorrection. Qualified Physiotherapists helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.
Provide expert care to Neurological, Neurosurgical andPsychiatric patients. The Neuro team comprising Neurosurgeons and Neurologists work to comprehensively treat and provide carefor patients suffering from neurological problems like epilepsy,movement disorder (Parkinson's disease), cerebral stroke andis supported by high end Intensive Care Unit and Rehabilitationfacility. Services provided are EEG, ENMG for Muscle diseaseand Neuropathies, and NCV for peripheral nerve disorder.
Liver and Gastrosciences
Super-specialists provide treatment for diseases related to Gatro-intestinal tract beginnin oesophagus - stomach to colon the end part of GI tract. Treatment is available for diseases of the stomach by our highly qualified experts. Services and treatment provided are Endoscopy - Colonoscopy - ERCP - Liver problem - Acidity treatment -Pancreas problems - Stones in pancreas - Jaundice and Ulcerative colitis.
Critical Care
A team of dedicated Critical Care specialists Intensive CareUnit (ICU) to ensure top class treatment is made available to the mostcritically ill patients. The highly skilled and trained specialist doctorsprovide dedicated services to revive critically ill patients. Theteam of Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics work in tandem to maintain the unitefficiently. Unit ensure that strict protocols are followed to minimizeinfections, complications and ultimately provide speedy recovery andbring smile on patient's face.
Nephrology and Urology
Extend their expertise in providing prompt and properdiagnosis and treatment. Equipped with sophisticated lasers and advancedlaparoscopic equipments to perform surgeries like Advance Laparoscopicprocedures, Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy, Laparoscopic RadicalProstatectomy and procedures such as Diagnostic cystoscopy, TURP, Surgicaltackling of all possible stones including Laser Lithotripsy. Haemodialysis machines are in place providing services torenal patients and encourage a better quality of life in anambience most suited for CKD patients.
General Surgery
The department is represented by expert Surgical Team ofspecialist doctors who are highly skilled with vast experience in theirsurgical domain. Acute abdominal pain is the most common emergency presentation requiring surgery as abdomen has various organswhich could cause pain. Common conditions requiring surgeryinclude appendicitis, hernias and gallstones. Specialist doctorsundertake Laparoscopic procedures or Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)also known as Key Hole surgery which is less painful.
A discipline which includes the diagnosis, treatment andcauses of heart diseases. The department provides cardiac care which includes Consultations and comprehensive care offered for arange of non-invasive investigational services like 2D Echo andTMT by highly experienced and qualified Doctors and technicians.
Emergency Medicine
Emergency situation even a minute delay could flip a critical balance between life and death. Our Emergency and Diagnostic departments reaffirm the faith of the people who seek our assistance in their hour of need. Attending to Critical Emergency cases within no time of their arrival with a world class standard is our promise! Unit is well equipped with diagnostic facilities which aid in quick and proper diagnosis enabling specialist doctors to save lives.
Plastic Surgery
World renowned Plastic surgeons deal with deformities and correction of functional deficits. Specialists at the unit work both on Cosmetic (aesthetic) and Reconstructive field. The basis of good cosmetic surgery is a grounding in goodreconstructive surgery. Process of reconstructing or repairing parts of the body by the transfer of tissue either in the treatment of injury or for cosmetic reasons.
Qualified Ophthalmologist provide a complete eye exam that could be the first step toward saving your sight. Some of the signs or risk factors for eye disease are Bulging of one or both eyes, Decreased vision, Diabetes mellitus, Double vision, Eyelid abnormalities, Halos (colored circles around lights) Loss of peripheral (side) vision, Flashes of light and Pain in the eye.
Nutrition and Dietetics
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics offers nutritional services and counseling for In-patients and Out-patients with the support of well trained and experienced Nutritionist covering different patient stratum. Special advice goes the way of individuals calling for nutritional care during special life-phases such as Pregnancy, Lactation, Old age and disabilities altering their nutritional intake.
Oncology specialists help in diagnosis of cancer, staging the cancer and grading the aggressive nature of the cancer. Common symptoms that point towards cancer include fatigue, weight loss, unexplained anemia, fever of unknown origin etc. Other diagnostic tools include endoscopy for the gastrointestinal tract, imaging studies like X-rays, CT scanning, MRI scanning, ultrasound and other radiological techniques.